Displaying 261 - 270 of 602

Donors and Microinsurance

Examining donor involvement in microinsurance

Risk Preferences and Demand for Insurance Under Price Uncertainty: An Experimental Approach for Cocoa Farmers in Côte d'Ivoire

Analyzing the relationship between farmers' demand for insurance and their risk aversion

A Microinsurance Puzzle: How Do Demand Factors Link to Client Value?

Exploring the gap between need and want in microinsurance

Emerging Practices in Mobile Microinsurance

Using assets of mobile network operators to reach low-income customers

"A Friend Indeed": Evaluation of an Insurance Education Radio Campaign in Kenya

Examining the effectiveness of mass media in insurance consumer education

When You Can't Save Up – Saving Down and Saving Through

Helping to develop savings products for low-income households

Latest Findings from Randomized Evaluations of Microfinance

Using randomized evaluations to highlight the need for flexible microfinance products

Social Networks and Insurance Take-up: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in China

Assessing the role of information in insurance take-up
Case Study

Can Health Microinsurance Protect the Poor?

Studying a client-managed health insurance model in Pune, India

Improving Client Value from Microinsurance: Insights from India, Kenya and the Philippines

Improving assessments of microinsurance schemes