Displaying 451 - 460 of 584

How Rising Competition among Microfinance Lenders Affects Incumbent Village Banks

Does competition have major negative effects on microfinance institutions in Uganda?

Child Labor, Income Shocks and Access to Credit

Does access to credit affect child labor?
Case Study

Institutionalizing Impact-Monitoring and Assessment of Microfinance: Experiences from the Philippines

Identifying efforts to institutionalize impact and client monitoring

Track Record of Financial Institutions in Assisting the Poor in Asia

Is microfinance reaching its targets in Asia?

SHG-Bank Linkage Programme for Rural Poor - an Impact Assessment

Has the self help group-bank linkage program in India improved the conditions of group members?

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 2: Economic Capacity and Security

How has Freedom from Hunger's program improved the poor's economic capacity and security?

Wider Impacts of Microfinance Institutions: Towards Defining the Scope and Methodology

How "Wide" is the Impact of Microfinance?
Case Study

Microfinance and Mitigation of the Impacts of HIV/AIDS : An Exploratory Study from Zimbabwe

Microfinance as a strategy to help households mitigate the negative economic impacts of HIV/AIDS

Impact Assessment of Microfinance: Towards a New Protocol for Collection and Analysis of Qualitative Data

Can a standard tool for qualitative assessment be created?