Displaying 301 - 310 of 584

Credit Constraints and Productivity in Peruvian Agriculture

A theoretic and empirical study that measures the impact of credit constraints

Employment, Not Microcredit, Is the Solution

How much do the poor really benefit from microcredit?

MDGs and Microcredit: An Empirical Evaluation for Latin American Countries

Does credit positively impact income and education?

Microfinance in Sri Lanka: A Household Level Analysis of Outreach and Impact on Poverty

Examines the outreach of microfinance and the impact on poverty and welfare of households

Fall and Recovery. Disruption and Catching Up Effects after Tsunami on a Sample of MFI Borrowers

How effective is microfinance as a recovery tool after a natural disaster?

Microfinance Impact in Chile: A Tale of Two Cooperatives

Studying the impact of MFIs

Empowerment of Microcredit Participants and its Spillover Effects: Evidence from the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh

Examining impact of microcredit on borrowers' non-economic activities

Who Benefits From Regulation?

Assessing impact of the MDI Act on microfinance stakeholders in Uganda

Developing a Methodology for Assessing Aid Effectiveness: An Options Paper

Developing an enhanced aid effectiveness measurement