Displaying 271 - 280 of 294
Case Study

ASA's Culture, Competition and Choice: Introducing Savings Services into a MicroCredit Institution

Lessons on open access savings services during an microcredit's transformation into an MFI
Case Study

Equity Investments in MFIs and Transformation: The Case of XAC, Mongolia

Lessons from the transformation of XAC, Mongolia

Focus on Financial Transparency: Building the Infrastructure of a Microfinance Industry

What are the goals of financial transparency in the microfinance industry?

Commercialization and Mission Drift: The Transformation of Microfinance in Latin America

Has commercialisation driven microfinance institutions away from their initial mission?
Case Study

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance: The Philippines Case Study

How has microfinance evolved in Philippines?

Transforming Land Bank into a Microfinance Development Institution

Why and how should a bank be transformed into a microfinance institution?
Case Study

How Values Create Value: Social Capital in Microfinance - The Case of the Philippines

Is social capital the magic formula for the success of the Grameen model?

How to Regulate and Supervise Microfinance? - Key Issues in an International Perspective

What risks and profiles are common to the regulation of microfinance institutions?

In Search of "Sound Practices" for Microfinance

Why we cannot presume best practice really is 'best' for everyone

The Microfinance Schism

Have best practice solutions for microfinance closed the debate on project and institutional design?