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FinDev Interview

Why Do Practitioners Value FinEquity?

In honor of International Women’s Day, FinDev Gateway features FinEquity (formerly known as the Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice), a special corner of FinDev where practitioners working to increase women’s financial inclusion can share ideas, resources and lessons learned. Uloma Ogba of UNCDF tells us what she values about this community of practice.

Slide Deck

The Financial Agency of Women

Exploring behavioral archetypes in Kenya to understand barriers to digital financial services

Partnering With the Private Sector to Extend Digital Financial Services to the Unbanked

How effective has digital been in promoting access to remittances and financial services?

Gender Centrality of Mobile Financial Services in Bangladesh

The findings of this research are based on a qualitative survey with 76 respondents which aimed to make sense of how and why women use DFS and offer recommendations for policy and practice.


The Economic Lives of Young Women in the Time of Ebola

Lessons from an Empowerment Program

Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers: Digitize/Direct/Design (D3) Criteria - An Application to Tanzania

Diagnostic for Tanzania's national Productive Social Safety Net assistance program