Displaying 371 - 380 of 508
Case Study

Making Poverty Reduction Work: OECD'S Role in Development Partnership

OECD’'s contribution to the international effort to achieve the MDGs

Donor Support for Microfinance Activities: Opportunities and Best Approaches

Paper presented at "12th Annual LAPO Development Forum", October 2005, Benin, South Nigeria

Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Enhancing Access of the Poor to Microfinance Services in Frontier Areas

How did the Asian Development Bank provide technical assistance to the Republic of the Philippines?

Technical Assistance to the Republic of Azerbaijan for Developing Collateral Framework and Microfinance Regulations

Developing a collateral framework and microfinance regulations for the Government of Azerbaijan
Case Study

How the Netherlands Government Fostered Successful Public-Private Partnerships for Financing MFIs

How did microfinance benefit from bringing private financial expertise to microfinance funding?

Technical Assistance to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for Strengthening Microfinance Operations

Features of the Foundation for Poverty Reduction and the Microfinance Institution of Timor-Leste

Financing Microfinance Institutions: The Context for Transitions to Private Capital

Can the microfinance sector absorb commercial funds?

Fighting Poverty through Microfinance: Democratic Republic of Congo

How has USAID Microenterprise Development contributed to the development of Congo's microfinance?

Microfinance Investment Funds: Objectives, Players, Potential

Are the microfinance investment funds following the same path as the microfinance institutions?