Displaying 221 - 230 of 508

The Landscape for Impact Investing in South Asia: Bangladesh

Highlighting impact investing trends in Bangladesh

Inclusive Finance for Housing: Exploring Viable Business Models

Investigating issues faced by MFIs in developing housing microfinance products

Debt Sustainability in HIPCs in a New Age of Choice

Studying debt relief initiatives and development finance landscape for public debt sustainability

Spotlight on the Market: The Impact Investor Survey

Analyzing a survey to map the impact investing marketplace

The Art of the Responsible Exit in Microfinance Equity Sales

Studying practices that support responsible exits from MFIs

Invest. Catalyze. Mainstream. The Indian Impact Investing Story

Presenting the state of impact investing ecosystem in India

Financing Low Cost Private Schools through Microfinance

Examining provision of finance and technical assistance to low cost private schools in Pakistan

Capital Market Financing for SMEs: A Growing Need in Emerging Asia

Utilizing capital markets for funding SMEs in Asia
Guide / Toolkit

Performance-Based Agreements as a Management Tool

Case study on UNCDF's tool for monitoring projects
Guide / Toolkit

MIF’s Project Status Report Monitoring Tool

Highlighting innovative tools that can be replicated by other funding organizations