Displaying 261 - 270 of 351

Money Resolutions, Digital Simulations

How the digital financial service environment presents unique opportunities to empower customers

From Cash to Digital Transfers: The Story So Far

Highlighting obstacles and discussing solutions for digitizing cash transfers in India
Case Study

Colombia’s Online E-Payments Platform: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision

Highlighting lessons learned from the success story of a Colombian electronic payments platform
Case Study

Cheaper, Faster, Better? A Case Study of New Technologies in Cash Transfers from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Comparing the efficiency of different cash transfer mechanisms

Access to Energy via Digital Finance: Models for Innovation

Assessing the potential of using digital payments to enhance access to energy

The Opportunities of Digitizing Payments

Highlighting the potential benefits of digital payment systems
Guide / Toolkit

Making the Journey from Cash to Electronic Payments: A Toolkit for USAID Implementing Partners and Development Organizations

Providing guidelines for transitioning from physical cash to electronic payments

Electronic G2P Payments: Evidences from Four Lower-Income Countries

Providing measures for electronic government-to-person payments in less developed countries

Bitcoin vs. Electronic Money

Studying risks and benefits of Bitcoins

Correspondent Banking in Mexico’s Rural Areas: Lessons from a G2P Payment Digitization and Financial Inclusion Project

Evaluating the impact of payment digitization on Mexico’s government-to-person payment platform