Displaying 371 - 380 of 473
Case Study

Serving Small Rural Depositors: Proximity, Innovations and Trade-offs

What ingredients make a sustainable microfinance organization?
Case Study

Agrocapital & Bai Tushum: Lessons from 2 Rural Financial Service Foundations

Can foundations deliver rural financial services effectively?

Fact Sheet 6: Work-Out Strategies for Delinquent Loans (English version)

This sixth fact sheet of eight introducing microfinance in a Palestinian context

Understanding Their Needs & Wants: The Key for Building a Successful and Sustainable Microfinance for the Poor

How can microfinance reach the poor while being profitable at the same time?
Guide / Toolkit

Performance Indicators for Microfinance Institutions - Technical Guide (3rd Edition)

Putting indicators into context

A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh

Are subsidies for Grameen well spent?

Development Best Practices in Credit Union Supervision: Off-Site Supervision

How does an examiner conduct an off-site supervision of a credit union?
Guide / Toolkit

A Technical Guide to PEARLS - A Performance Monitoring System

A guide to assess the financial stability of credit unions