Displaying 121 - 130 of 473
Case Study

Outreach of M-PESA System in Kenya: Emerging Trends

Examining the outreach of M-PESA
Case Study

Costs of Health Education and Health Product Distribution: Bandhan's Experience in India

Analyzing costs and revenues associated with provision of health services

Costs and Benefits of Credit with Education: The Case of PADME in Benin

Combining financial revenues and nonfinancial benefits

Where Does Microfinance Flourish? Microfinance Institution Performance in Macroeconomic Context

Studying macroeconomic and macroinstitutional features of successful MFIs

Asia 2009: Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report

Examining impact of the financial crisis on Asian MFIs

Consolidation of MFIs: Need and Challenges

Analyzing consolidation in India’s microfinance sector
Case Study

Collections with Dignity at FinComún

Examining appropriate collections practices at FinComún, Mexico

The Distributional Implications of Group Lending

Understanding links between contractual structure, credit outreach and borrower welfare
Case Study

Rethinking Client "Graduation"

Examining client retention strategy of a MFI