Displaying 81 - 90 of 274

Landscape Report: Mobile Money, Humanitarian Cash Transfers and Displaced Populations

Exploring the potential of cash-based interventions delivered via mobile wallet

The Role of Financial Services in Humanitarian Crises

Guidance and operational lessons on financial sector interventions for people in crisis
FinDev Blog

Can Financial Services Promote Stability in Fragile States?

Understanding the role of financial sector development in stability and fragility

Case Study

Electronic Transfers in Humanitarian Assistance and Uptake of Financial Services: A Synthesis of ELAN Case Studies

Can humanitarian e-transfers contribute to financial inclusion?

Financing the Frontier: Inclusive Financial Sector Development in Fragility-Affected States in Africa

Facing new challenges to inclusive finance in the region with a market systems approach

Microfinance Institutions in Yemen, "Hurdles and Remedies"

Recommendations for addressing challenges limiting the growth of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Minimum Economic Recovery Standards: Third Edition

Guidance for practitioners on improving economic assistance for disaster recovery

Online Prosocial Microlending Decision Making

A natural experiment of Ebola outbreak

Resilient Markets: Strengthening Women’s Economic Empowerment and Market Systems in Fragile Settings

Recommendations for using the three A's framework: Anticipate, Absorb, Adapt
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Ethiopia

Looking at the use of mobile money among cash transfer recipients