Displaying 31 - 40 of 274
FinDev Blog

Creating a Resilient New Normal for Savings Groups

World Vision shares how they are working to support community-level financial institutions and promote grassroots-level transformation of the financial system

Case Study

Climate Risk Insurance for the Agriculture Sector in Armenia

This case study details specific conditions that make Armenia’s agricultural sector vulnerable to climate change, and steps that the Central Bank of Armenia has taken to cope with the effects of a warming climate.

Case Study

Weathering the Storm II: A Case Study of Spandana

Lessons learned from previous crises to help with future crisis responses

Case Study

Weathering the Storm II: A Case Study of Vitas Palestine

Lessons learned from previous crises to help with future crisis responses

Case Study

Weathering the Storm II: A Case Study of Viator

Lessons learned from previous crises to help with future crisis responses

FinDev Blog

Formalizing Remittances for Forcibly Displaced People: Findings from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The lifeline provided by remittances can help advance financial inclusion among vulnerable populations.

FinDev Webinar

Microfinance and COVID-19 in Pakistan: What Happens After Lockdown?

This webinar recording presents results from a survey of 1,000 microfinance clients and MFIs that serve them for a detailed picture of the impact of Pakistan's lockdown on households and the industry overall.

Case Study

Women’s Demand for Financial Services in Conflict and Post Conflict Areas

Key findings from focus group discussions with 146 participants to understand women’s demand for financial services
FinDev Blog

From the Microfinance Coalition: Call to Action for Investors

How investors respond during this pandemic will determine the extent to which MFIs are able to respond to the needs of their customers.

FinDev Blog

COVID-19 Threatens the Microfinance Sector and the Livelihoods of Those We Serve: Building a Coalition for Collective Action

An invitation to microfinance networks and organizations to join the coalition and raise their voices