Displaying 131 - 140 of 274

Economic Recovery Amid Conflict Case Studies from AMAP KG: A Synthesis Report

Understanding the broader impact of microfinance in conflict settings
Case Study

Burundi Case Study: Addressing the Drivers of Ethnic Conflict within the Model of Financial Services Delivery

Integrating conflict sensitivity in the design and implementation of financial services delivery
Case Study

Nepal Case Study: Adapting Approaches and Products to Persevere During Conflict

Lessons learnt from the transformation of an MFI operating in a conflict environment
Case Study

The Impact of Drought on Household Vulnerability: The Case of Rural Malawi

Analyzing coping mechanisms employed by households to deal with drought
Case Study

Case Study: Post-Emergency Housing Finance for the Poor, Aceh, Indonesia

Examining policy implications for housing finance in post-disaster settings

Helping MFIs Overcome Disasters: Lessons and Strategies for Donors and Donor-funded Projects

Suggesting ways for MFIs and donors to respond to natural disasters
Case Study

Delivering Microfinance and Social Services in Conditions of Fragility in Nepal

Strategies to deliver goods and services to populations affected by the Maoist insurgency in Nepal

Empowering Women Via Microfinance in Fragile States

This paper examines the bias that microfinance programs show towards women borrowers

Does Money Affect Happiness and Self-Esteem? The Poor Borrowers' Perspective in a Quasi-Natural Experiment

Examining effects of tsunami related income losses on microfinance borrowers