Displaying 931 - 940 of 961

Mobile Payments in Kenya: Findings from a Survey of M-PESA Users and Agents

Examining the use of M-PESA in Kenya
Case Study

Overcoming Back-end Barriers: Opportunity International and Bank Switching Solutions

Leveraging technology to reach rural microfinance clients

Seeking Fertile Grounds for Mobile Money

Examining factors that make mobile money successful
Case Study

Expanding Outreach in Malawi: OIBM's Efforts to Launch a Mobile Phone Banking Program

Developing an m-banking program for a bank's microfinance
Case Study

Increasing Access and Opportunity in Remote Areas: Afghanistan

Improving financial services outreach in Afghanistan through mobile phone banking

Mobile Money Study: West Bank & Gaza

How does branchless banking facilitate access to financial services?

Banking on Mobiles: Why, How, for Whom?

Exploring whether banks can provide greater financial access to the poor through mobile phones

Banking Through Networks of Retail Agents

Examining whether technology can enable secure and remote interaction between banks and customers

The Early Experience with Branchless Banking

Presenting key observations on branchless banking and analyzing future trends