Displaying 831 - 840 of 961

Organisational Design to Succeed in Mobile Money

Identifying best practice in organizational design for the mobile money industry

The Jipange KuSave Experiment in Kenya

Highlighting the experience of the mobile savings product Jipange KuSave

Expanding the Ecosystem of Mobile Money: Considerations for Interoperability

Identifying considerations for interoperability in mobile money services

Mobile Money in Uganda: Use, Barriers and Opportunities

Tracking the use of mobile money in Uganda

Customer Support for E/M-Banking Users

Highlighting the importance of providing customer support to E/M banking users

E/M-Banking in India: State of the Agent Network

Presenting good practices and concerns of E/M banking agents in India

Standards and Practices Report for Electronic and Mobile Payments

Analyzing the electronic and mobile payments market to suggest an expansion framework to USAID

State of the Industry: Results from the 2011 Global Mobile Money Adoption Survey

What is the extent of customer adoption of mobile money around the world?

State of Business Correspondent Industry in India –– The Supply Side Story

Presenting results of a survey of business correspondent network managers in India

Kenya's Mobile Revolution and the Promise of Mobile Savings

Examining the evolution of mobile savings in Kenya