Displaying 771 - 780 of 961

Mobile Money Tipsheet: Common Myths about Mobile Money

Explaining misconceptions related to the use of mobile money
Case Study

Emerging Risks to Consumer Protection in Branchless Banking: Key Findings from Colombia Case Study

Protecting users and mitigating risks in the use of mobile financial services in Colombia
Case Study

Mobile Money in Nigeria: The User Experience

Expanding mobile financial services in Nigeria

Digital Financial Services in Africa: Beyond the Kenyan Success Story

Assessing the growth potential of digital financial services in seven African countries

Mobile Money, Remittances and Rural Household Welfare: Panel Evidence from Uganda

Analyzing the socio-economic impact of mobile money on the lives of Uganda’s rural poor

Code of Conduct for Mobile Money Providers

Establishing common business principles for mobile money service providers

Financial Inclusion Through Mobile Banking: A Case of Bangladesh

Designing effective mobile banking services in Bangladesh

Beyond Vouchers: Meeting Growing Demand for Off-Net P2P Transfers

Examining the efficacy of using mobile vouchers for P2P transfers

Extending Reach: Mobile Money in Rural Areas

Crafting mobile financial service strategies for rural markets

Pakistan FII Survey Wave 1 Report

Assessing the use of digital financial services in Pakistan