Displaying 741 - 750 of 961

The 2015 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report: Measuring Progress on Financial Access and Usage

Measuring progress on financial access and usage

New Insights Into An Evolving P2P Lending Industry

How shifts in roles and risk are shaping the industry

Ending Poverty with Electronic Payments

A look at the digital and direct payment landscapes

Mobile Transparency? Financial Inclusion, Mobile Money & Papua New Guinea's Resources Sector

Strengthening mobile money ecosystems around PNG’s mining, oil and gas regions
Case Study

Digital Financial Services in Uganda: Uganda’s Tea Payments Profile

An opportunity for digital financial services

Enabling Digital Financial Inclusion through Improvements in Competition and Interoperability: What Works and What Doesn't?

An evaluation of potential cooperation and competition with new mobile payment paradigms

Doing Digital Finance Right: The Case for Stronger Mitigation of Customer Risks

Analyzing risks faced by consumers while using digital financial services
Case Study

Expanding Access to Finance Through Mobile Payments: Lessons Learned for MFI-Mobile Network Operator Partnerships

Developing successful partnerships between MFIs and mobile network operators
Case Study

The Safaricom M-Pesa Pilot Test

Understanding the success factors behind Safaricom’s M-PESA

Mobile Financial Services in Latin America and the Caribbean: State of Play, Commercial Models, and Regulatory Approaches

Landscaping the mobile financial services sector in Latin America and the Caribbean