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FinDev Blog

Empowerment Begins With Identity

Opening a bank account in many countries is a cumbersome process requiring official documents that women often don't have. Digital ID systems can make this process more accessible and help enable women’s financial inclusion. 


Digital Survey: The Hidden Pitfalls of the Rush to Digitalise

This research set out to understand financial institutions' progress on their digital journey.


Digital Identity

How can stakeholders conduct customer due diligence using digital ID systems?

Citizens and States: How Can Digital ID and Payments Improve State Capacity and Effectiveness?

This report considers the potential for digital technology to help reform citizen–state  interactions, and to do this in a way that increases individual agency and improves efficiency in the delivery of public services, subsidies, and transfers.


Digital Finance & the COVID-19 Crisis

Can digital finance help to overcome the immediate challenges presented by the pandemic?

API Deployments in Inclusive Finance

Recommendations to optimize API deployments between banks and fintechs for financial inclusion

Digital Solutions for the Urban Poor

This report explores the potential for mobile-enabled innovations to provide solutions to pressing challenges facing the urban poor. 

FinDev Blog

In Posts We Trust

Post offices have a long tradition of offering financial services, dating back to 1861. Most are now venturing into providing digital financial services (DFS) to their customers. But how can we increase uptake and take advantage of the Post's broad reach?