Displaying 101 - 110 of 118

Data Standards for Connecting to Commercial Sources of Capital

Calling for standardized reporting from microfinance institutions

Measuring Financial Access: Outlining the Scope of Current Data Collection Efforts

The need for macroeconomic indicators to gauge financial access

Analysis of Client Assessment Data

How can client assessment be accurate and effective?
FinDev Guide

FinDev Guide to Data - Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19

Find out who is tracking what with this list of coronavirus-related data and trackers useful for the financial inclusion community.


Pathways to Progress: Global Youth Survey 2017

This survey builds on existing research and gauges the economic prospects and pursuits of more than 7,000 young people in 45 cities across 32 countries around the world.



RemitSCOPE is an online tool providing regional, subregional and country-level data and market analysis through four key areas: key figures on population, remittances and migration, markets, regulatory environment and inclusive financial services.


Global Fintech Report

The 2019 Global Fintech Survey polled more than 500 financial services and technology, media and telecommunications executives worldwide and analyzed their responses.


The Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD)

The Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) addresses gaps and quality issues regarding data on migration and remittances by researching, collecting and publishing global data to enable more effective engagement on migration and development.


Global Financial Development Database

This dataset includes measures of depth, access, efficiency, and stability of financial systems for 214 economies.


Financial Access Survey

The Financial Access Survey, launched in 2009, is a supply-side dataset on access to and use of financial services aimed at supporting policymakers to measure and monitor financial inclusion and benchmark progress against peers.