Displaying 91 - 100 of 434

Does Microcredit Increase Child Labor in Absence of Microinsurance?

Evaluating the effect of access to microinsurance on child labor

The Malaysian Microfinance System and a Comparison with the Grameen Bank (Bangladesh) and Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR-Indonesia)

How do Malaysian MFIs differ from successful MFIs in other countries?
Case Study

U.S. Microfinance: Small Loans, Big Results

Measuring the impact of microloan programs of Opportunity Fund and Accion

The Microcredit Sector in Morocco Pre and Post Crisis

Highlighting lessons learned from the microcredit crisis in Morocco

Determinants of Microcredit Loans Repayment Problem Among Microfinance Borrowers in Malaysia

How can MFIs in Malaysia handle loan repayment problems among their clients?

The Collection Methodologies in Group Lending

Identifying ways for MFIs to decrease instalment collection costs

Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty in Bangladesh? New Evidence from Household Panel Data

Examining ability of microfinance to reduce poverty

Impact Analysis of Microfinance in Nigeria

Is the microfinance industry improving access to credit for microenterprises in Nigeria?