Displaying 121 - 130 of 435

The Financial Sustainability of Microcredit in Portugal

Evaluating sustainability of microcredit programs in Portugal

Health Education for Microcredit Clients in Peru: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Examining the effects of health education on child health status of MFI clients

Microfinance and Child Labour

Is microfinance an effective tool in the fight to eliminate child labor?

Mitigating The Resource Curse: A Proposal For a Microfinance and Educational Lending Royalty Law

Diversifying revenues towards bottoms-up lending programs

Microlending in the United States: A Timeline History, 1973-2011

Presenting the history of microfinance in the United States

Microfinance in Rural and Urban Thailand: Policies, Social Ties and Successful Performance

How do social ties and compulsory savings impact repayment rates?

Credit Officers and Loan Granting in Microfinance: Brazilian Evidence

Assessing role of credit officers in microloan granting decisions

Term Structure of Debt and Entrepreneurial Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Microfinance

Managing trade-off between risk reduction and enterprise growth

Microcredit Participation and Nutrition Outcomes among Women in Peru

Does longer participation in microcredit services improve nutritional outcomes?