Displaying 11 - 20 of 436

Land Titling and Microcredit in Cambodia

This paper explores the neoliberal-oriented theory of change based on the possession and use of private individual land titles by the poor. The theory is tested in Cambodia, where the development of the microcredit sector has been facilitated by the extensive use of land titles as collateral.


The Role of Catalytic Capital in Digital Markets: Successes, Pitfalls, and Lessons Learned

This report focuses on the role of catalytic capital in the digital credit industry and highlights the limitations of a framework that does not consider broader market-level consequences of such investments.

FinDev Blog

Rethinking MSME Financing: It's the Customer's Digital Transformation That Matters

As small businesses go digital, platform data can help MFIs better serve them, contributing to a healthier, more sustainable and more inclusive lending model.

FinDev Blog

Water and Wellbeing in a Changing World

A strong evidence base helps strengthen the case for water and sanitation financing to meet Sustainable Development Goal 6.

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Who Do You Trust? Building a “TrustScore” for Savings Groups

DreamStart Labs explores how to incorporate member-driven assessments into credit scoring through their app.

FinDev Blog

Sharing the Risk: “Micro Equity” for Savings Groups

DreamStart Labs is re-thinking assumptions about how to design solutions for people in emerging economies, starting with a new product which aims to distribute risks more fairly.


Understanding Women’s Access to Credit and Loans

This publication offers an overview and gender-disaggregated data analysis of the Nigerian lending market, and provides valuable insights on 100 million adult Nigerians' behaviors and financial preferences.

FinDev Blog

How Long Should It Take to Build a Home?

Housing microfinance product innovations could help more families finish their homes and improve the overall customer experience.

FinDev Blog

Detecting Borrower Distress

There is an urgent need in India and globally to design policies to prevent over-indebtedness. But first, it must be measured. A new framework for monitoring credit markets proposes how.


Thai Household Debt Skyrockets from Credit Cards, Loans and Car Loans

The Bank of Thailand has been asked to review the ceiling of interest rates and supervise credit cards, personal loans and car loans, as the Thai government has vowed to tackle high household debt, incurred by credit card and personal loans.