Displaying 201 - 210 of 305

Responding to Client Complaints at Tameer Bank, Pakistan

How can banks use call centers to address customer complaints?

Developing a Tool to Assess Client Protection

Highlighting the importance of client feedback to improve MFI service
Guide / Toolkit

Responsible Treatment of Clients: Practicing Non-discrimination

Providing insight into the difference between client targeting and harmful discrimination

Client Protection - Lessons for the Microfinance Sector

How can MFIs meet client expectations of financial protection?

What Makes ServQual Distinctive Tool for Client Protection

Gaining insights on client protection by listening to clients’ voices

Responsible Finance: Concepts and Challenges

Highlighting the need for responsible finance in the microfinance industry

Supporting Members to Adopt Client Protection at Azerbaijan Microfinance Association

Highlighting the role that microfinance networks and associations can play in protecting MFI clients

Appropriate Product Design and Delivery at Musoni

Designing and delivering client centered financial products for the poor

Clients on Client Protection

Using a qualitative research tool to obtain clients’ perspective on client protection