Displaying 111 - 120 of 305

Promoting Responsible Finance and Sustainability in Azerbaijan

This learning brief provides an overview of the key players in the Azerbaijan microfinance sector, followed by more detail on the approaches used by Azerbaijan micro-finance Association (AMFA) to build its sustainability and credibility in the sector.


Safeguarding Rules for Customer Funds Held by EMIs

Technical note exploring regulatory options for protecting consumers' mobile money
FinDev Blog

First, Do No Harm

As the microfinance sector has matured, client protection principles have been introduced around issues such as interest rates and product transparency, fair pricing and appropriate product design. But where do gender-based risks fit into these principles?


Regulating for Responsible Data Innovation: The Role of Insurance Regulators in Dealing with Risks Relating to Consumer Data Protection and Privacy

Framework for insurance regulators to enable responsible data innovation in their markets

An Empirical Risk Assessment of Savings Groups

What are the main risks Savings Group members face and how can they be managed?

Responsible Digital Credit: What Does Responsible Digital Credit Look Like?

Outlining the risks customers face and best practices for improving consumer protection
FinDev Blog

Being Smart About Mobile Money

A case study with two financial service providers in Burkina Faso explores seven risks involved in bringing savings groups into digital finance.


Protecting Savings Groups Reached Through High-Tech Channels: Guidance from the New Client Protection Principles for a Digital Savings Product

Case study highlighting best practices for client protection in digital services design