Displaying 801 - 810 of 910

Demand Analysis for the Creation of a Microfinance Resource Center in Western Europe

Identifying the need for and developing a resource center for microfinance in Western Europe

Assessment of the Use and Impact of MicroSave's Market Research for Microfinance Toolkit (Report)

Market research made easy by MicroSave

Key Questions that Should Precede New Product Development

Addressing issues before starting product development

Dropouts and Graduates: What Do they Mean for MFIs?

What should MFIs do to retain clients?

A Field Study of Microinsurance in the Philippines

Can microfinance institutions deliver microinsurance to the informal sector cost-effectively?

Product Costing in Practice: The Experience of MicroSave (Brief Note)

The whats and whys of product costing

Assessment of the Use and Impact of MicroSave's Market Research for Microfinance Toolkit

What is the impact of market research on the demand microfinance products?

The Demand for Risk-Managing Financial Services in Low-Income Communities: Evidence from Zambia

Formal insurance is not a preferred risk-management tool among the poor in Zambia