Displaying 71 - 80 of 910

A Customer-Centric Approach to Measuring Financial Needs

Key findings from a series of country-level pilot studies
FinDev Blog

PEER REVIEW: Arab Barometer

The Arab Barometer is a nonpartisan research network, hosted at Princeton University, which provides insight into the social, political, and economic attitudes and values of people across the Arab world. They have been conducting high-quality public opinion surveys since 2006 and make the data publicly available (free of charge) on their website.


Digital Solutions for the Urban Poor

This report explores the potential for mobile-enabled innovations to provide solutions to pressing challenges facing the urban poor. 

Guide / Toolkit

Unleashing the Power of Data to Inform Your Business

Toolkit for FSPs: Understanding the different data sources available and how to use them effectively

The Role of a Market Organizer in Advancing Financial Inclusion

Developing new pathways to catalyze inclusive growth

The Financial Inclusion Compass 2019

Digital transformation of FSPs, client protection, client-side technology innovations and agri-finance emerged as among the most significant trends identified by a broad array of sector stakeholders.

Case Study

Market Research on Expanding Microfinance Outreach in Jordan Through Innovative Market-Driven Product Development

Recommendations for MFIs on how to reach underserved microfinance clients
FinDev Blog

Becoming Intentional About Learning

We need to prioritize organizational learning to develop and enhance financial inclusion interventions. Here are some tips for how to get started.

FinDev Blog

A New Financial Syntax for Illiterate and Low-literate People

Digital solutions that work well for literate people often fail to support inclusion among the estimated one billion adults worldwide who cannot read or write. My Oral Village is building on oral approaches to money management to broaden digital financial inclusion in Pakistan.

Case Study

A Client Needs-Centered Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Innovative financial inclusion data framework focused on customers financial needs