Displaying 361 - 370 of 910

Remittances, Payments, and Money Transfers: Behaviors of South Asians and Indonesians

Understanding the consumer behavior in remittances and payments market

Applying Behavioral Economics at the Financial Conduct Authority

Using behavioral insights to design efficient financial market regulations

Can Self-Help Groups Really be Self-Help?

Discussing efficient approaches of delivering financial services to SHG members

Mapping Proximity: Bringing Products and Services Close Enough to the Poor to be Meaningfully Usable and Still Keep them Sustainable for WSBI Partner Banks

Identifying public settlements to enable financial service providers plan their expansion

Segmentation of Smallholder Households: Meeting the Range of Financial Needs in Agricultural Families

Understanding the changing nature of demand for financial services from rural households

The Role of Co-operative Loans in Rural Finance

Evidence from Ogun State, Nigeria

What Drives a Long-Term Relationship in Microcredit? Insights From a Cambodian Microfinance Institution

Analysis of data gathered from 216 borrowers on demographics, loan size and assets
Guide / Toolkit

Promoting Women's Financial Inclusion: A Toolkit

Toolkit to aid the design and implementation of women's financial inclusion and empowerment programs

Testing the Waters: YouthSave Pilot Results from Three Markets

Presenting results from a pilot study of youth savings accounts in four countries