Displaying 251 - 260 of 910
Case Study

Can you Really Use Mobile Money for Microfinance: Lessons from a Pilot

Setting up sustainable mobile-money based microfinance models
Case Study

The Value of Claim Analysis in Health Microinsurance: Learnings from Three South Asian Cases

Using claims data to improve health microinsurance products and services

Driving Scale and Density of Agent Networks in Perú

Identifying key factors to improve the rural outreach of agent networks

Customer Views on Customer Empowerment: Report on Field Test of Interview Field Guide in India

Developing a methodology to understand the concept of customer empowerment

Bridging the Gap with Digital

Using technology to penetrate untapped financial markets in India

Inclusive Savings for Remittance Clients: A Practical Framework

Designing inclusive remittances and savings products

Achieving Scale and Efficiency in Microinsurance Through Retail and Banking Correspondents

Exploring alternative distribution channels to extend the reach of insurance

The Wisdom of the Group: How Lessons from Savings Groups Can Guide Financial Product Innovation

Analyzing the mechanisms that make savings groups effective

Challenges in Microfinance: An EY Perspective

Overcoming challenges in the microfinance industry

Health Microinsurance Scheme Design and Pricing: Lessons from Four Countries

Designing effective health microinsurance schemes at best prices