Showing 4341 - 4350 of 16974 results
Serving Depositors - Branch Infrastructure
This Briefing Note examines branch infrastructure for serving depositors.
Microfinance Institutions and Salary Based Consumer Lending
Using salary as loan collateral can be a new lending opportunity for MFIs
Grameen II: Financial Performance
What are the reasons for the improved financial performance of Grameen II?
Credit Scoring in Microfinance: Guidelines Based on Experience with WWB Affiliates in Colombia and the Dominican Republic
Credit scoring: A powerful tool for MFIs
Expansion Strategies in Microfinance
What are the different options available to an MFI to expand its business?
Global Network for Banking Innovation in Microfinance
Fact sheet on a global network that promotes microfinance as a transformational business opportunity
The Microfinance Experience with Savings Mobilization
What are the benefits of savings?
The Tax Regime for Micro-Enterprise in Cuba
How can the tax regime for Cuban micro-enterprise be improved?
Trends in Venture Capital Finance in Developing Countries
An empirical study on venture capital financing in developing countries
Working With Savings & Credit Cooperatives
What do donors need to remember in promoting savings and credit cooperatives?