Pakistan: ACCA, PITB Join Hands to Increase Financial Inclusion
The goal of the collaboration is to work jointly mainly on financial inclusion, financial literacy of Punjab Information Technology Board incubation wing startups and awareness for the stakeholders of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
ADB and HSBC India Establish $ 100 M Guarantee Plan for Microcredit
The program will help women running small businesses and microfinance institutions lending after the pandemic.
IFC and Santander Brasil to Expand Access to Finance for Smaller Healthcare Providers, Boosting Brazil’s Health System
The $150 million financing package will allow the bank to expand its financing to doctors and healthcare micro, small, and medium enterprises for working capital and purchase of medical equipment.
Symbiotics to Manage an Impact Private Debt Mandate for Pensioenfonds Detailhandel
The portfolio will invest in small and medium enterprises and through microfinance in themes such as climate and energy, education and healthcare.
New: Gender-Aware Supervision Toolkit to Assist Financial Supervisors With Integrating Gender Dimensions Into Their Practices
The toolkit, First Step: Integrating Gender into Technology-Enabled Financial Sector Supervision, is intended to help supervisory authorities at all levels of gender-awareness.
BlueMark Raises $3.75 Million to Drive Greater Adoption of Impact Verification and Strengthen Trust in Impact Investing
Funding includes a $2.25 million equity investment from Ford Foundation and Radicle Impact, $1.35 million in recoverable grants from The Rockefeller Foundation and an additional grant from the Tipping Point Fund on Impact Investing.
MFC Joins Forces With UNHCR to Enhance Refugees' Financial Inclusion
The joint project will contribute to the improvement of refugees' financial inclusion in Europe, in particular access to microfinance and business development services.
IFC Partners With Banco G&T Continental in Guatemala to Launch Its Climate Finance Business, Expand SME and Housing Finance
The $80 million-dollar funding will help G&T launch its climate finance business, a first in the country, focusing on financing green buildings and green housing projects.
Chile's Data-driven Lender Mento Launches on Mambu to Improve Financial Inclusion
Mento caters to underserved portions of society, often deemed as unprofitable by incumbent banks due to market and regulatory constraints.
Mastercard And GCS International Strengthen Their Alliance to Build Financial Inclusion In Jamaica
The partnership will strengthen the economic growth potential in the Caribbean, providing the underserved population with a simple and secure real-time payment solution.