Showing 7171 - 7180 of 16968 results
Microfinance-led Strategies to Eliminate Bonded Labor
Highlighting design issues for appropriate financial services to the poor
Microfinance: A Comprehensive Review of the Existing Literature
Introducing microfinance to the academic community
Modalities for Microfinance Delivery in Asia and Latin America: Lessons for the People's Republic of China
Assessing alternatives to microfinance delivery
Scoring Drop-Out at a Microlender in Bolivia
How can scoring help microlenders address client drop-outs?
Seven Aspects of Loan Size
What is loan size to profitability and outreach?
Supporting Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia, Kenya & Tanzania
Assessing the supportive environment for women entrepreneurs
Sustainable Microentrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries
How does microfinance empower microentrepreneurs in least developed countries?
A Methodology for Assessment of the Impact of Microfinance on Empowerment and Vulnerability
Proposing a framework to understand the impact of microfinance
A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Haiti
A scorecard to track poverty changes over time and report on poverty rates in Haiti
A Technical Guide to Increasing Citizen Participation: How Credit Unions Strengthen Democracy
How do credit unions promote democratic principles?