How MFIs Respond When Crisis Hits
Ahead of the 7th Annual Central Asian & Caucasus Microfinance Forum, Zinaida Vasilenko shares responsAbility's analysis of the impact of a regional crisis on MFIs and the market outlook going forward.
Four Challenges for Shifting from MFI to SME Finance
Lessons learned at African Microfinance Week on effective tools for moving into this customer segment in Africa.
What Are the Funding Gaps in Housing Microfinance?
In this Gateway interview, Sandra Prieto and Laura Hemrika tell us what they expect from their panel session at European Microfinance Week, and provide insights about the importance of funding for housing microfinance.
Should We Be Talking About Financial Health Instead of Inclusion?
Carrie Creasey shares why MetLife Foundation has shifted its focus to financial health - a concept that can tell us a lot more than financial inclusion can about how people's use of financial tools impacts their lives.
Microfinance for Housing: State of Play
The Gateway sat down with Christoph Pausch, Executive Secretary of e-MFP, to discuss housing finance, the focus of this year's European Microfinance Week, and what we can learn from recent housing finance initiatives.
The Transformative Role of Insurance in African Agriculture
After their session at European Microfinance Week, Katharine Pulvermacher and Stewart McCulloch discuss challenges and new models for making agricultural insurance more accessible.
Sowing Digital Seeds
Given the rapid expansion of digital financial services (DFS) use cases in agriculture, the burning question now is: How can women benefit from these tools at equal rates as men?
Does Housing Finance Influence Quality of Construction?
While the number of MFIs offering housing microfinance has increased over the years, there has always been a debate about whether financing actually helps improve construction quality.
"Our Time As Leaders Has Come"
Women leaders in financial inclusion from around the globe answer the question: What message or advice would you give to women in the sector who would like to reach leadership positions in their institutions?
Why Do We Need a Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice?
CGAP’s Yasmin Bin-Humam discusses why gender is such a key topic in financial inclusion and what the Women's Financial Inclusion Community of Practice (COP) is up to.