Showing 761 - 770 of 16982 results
Practitioner-Led Impact Assessment: A Test in Honduras
Lessons from Honduras: How tools tracking micro enterprise programs' impact work in the field
Pre-Disaster Planning to Protect Microfinance Clients
What could microfinance institutions do to be more prepared for natural disasters?
Promoting Efficient Rural Financial Intermediation
Are losses inevitable in rural financial markets?
Report of Virtual Meeting: CGAP Working Group Impact Assessment Methodologies
What are the current issues on impact assessment?
Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation
Does the formal sector have lessons to learn from the informal sector?
Savings Mobilization Strategies: Lessons From Four Experiences
How can microfinance institutions successfully mobilize savings?
The Use of Control Groups in Impact Assessments for Microfinance
What are the appropriate methods for evaluating the impact of microfinance programs?
Toward Guidelines for Lower-Cost Impact Assessment Methodologies for Microenterprise Programs
How can impact assessment methodologies for microenterprise programs be improved?
A Critical Review of Savings Services in Africa and Elsewhere
Can financial services meet the savings needs of the poor?
The Impact of an Integrated Micro-credit Program on Women's Empowerment and Fertility Behavior in Rural Bangladesh
Quantitative analysis of the impact of women's participation in microfinance program on empowerment