Cooperatives and Development in Tanzania
Corporate Governance in Germany: An Economic Perspective
The Gender Gap is Wide. Which FinTechs Are Working to Narrow It?
A new Female-Focused Fintech Prize aims to connect and bring attention to fintech products working for women.
Are Soft Skills Still Relevant As Microfinance Moves Into the Digital Age?
Peter Surek, European Microfinance Network (EMN) Board Member, delves into key questions on human resource challenges and disruptive technology ahead of their upcoming conference, which is shaking things up with a new format designed to inspire and bring together participants.
How PAYGo Solar Companies Can Shine for Investors
The pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) solar industry has attracted a lot of interest among impact investors. But complex business models and a lack of reporting standards may be putting off large-scale investment.
Does Digital Transformation Mean Turning Your Employees Into Robots?
Grzegorz Galusek, Executive Director of the Microfinance Centre, discusses digitalization, agile working and what we can look forward to from this year's annual conference.
Why Smallholder Finance Isn’t Getting the Investment It Needs
By overlooking investment opportunities in smallholder finance in favor of serving less risky client segments that are easier to reach, investors are missing out on one of the greatest impact opportunities in financial inclusion today. What can financial service providers and investors do about it?
Why Do Practitioners Value FinEquity?
In honor of International Women’s Day, FinDev Gateway features FinEquity (formerly known as the Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice), a special corner of FinDev where practitioners working to increase women’s financial inclusion can share ideas, resources and lessons learned. Uloma Ogba of UNCDF tells us what she values about this community of practice.
Does Fintech Have Us Spellbound?
How can we identify which fintech companies and products offer impact potential without being enthralled by the latest 'shiny new object'? Four frameworks help us separate potential from hype.
The Hole in the Bucket: The Impact of De-risking on Non-Profit Organizations
Whole groups are at risk of falling out of the financial system as banks develop increasingly risk-averse controls due to AML/CFT regulations. As non-profits face growing barriers to financial access, what can we do to reverse this trend?