Showing 4611 - 4620 of 16976 results
Regulation No. 2001/24 Amending UNMIK Regulation No. 1999/20 on the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo
Better financial institutions and systems through the Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo
Regulation on Capital Adequacy Requirements for Commercial Banks
Setting prudential standards for commercial banks in the Republic of Georgia
Regulation on Credit Risk Management
What are the provisions of Albania's regulation on credit risk management?
The Credit Concentration and Other Exposure Limits Regulation, 2001
Risk diversification strategies for the banking sector in Tanzania defined
A Comparative Literature Survey of Islamic Finance and Banking
How can Islamic financial markets be helped grow?
Bank of Albania Supervisory Department Advisory on Regulatory Bank Capital
How do banks in Albania calculate regulatory capital for covering credit risk?
The Liquid Asset Ratio Regulations, 2000
Directive issued by the Bank of Tanzania under the Banking and Finincial Institutions Act, 1991
Development Best Practices in Credit Union Supervision: Management Information System Standards for Credit Unions
Standards for a credit union management information system
Emergency Ordinance No. 137 of 18 October 2001
The amendments and supplements to the Act no. 58 The Banking Act
Ghana: Banking Law 1989 (PNDCL 225)
How is the Banking Law in Ghana structured?