Showing 2661 - 2670 of 16982 results
Financial Liberalisation and Rural Banking in India
Has liberalization proved to be unsuccessful for the Indian rural economy?
What's Psychology Worth? A Field Experiment in the Consumer Credit Market
Are psychological features powerful drivers of consumer behavior?
Financial Education: A Win-Win for Clients and MFIs
How to design effective financial education courses?
Market Research for Microfinance: Detecting the Needs Beyond the Numbers
Is there a special need for market research among MFIs?
Financial Inclusion 2015: Four Scenarios for the Future of Microfinance
How can we prepare for demographic, political, & technological forces that will shape microfinance?
Disaster Insurance for the Poor? A Review of Microinsurance for Natural Disaster Risks in Developing Countries (Draft)
An exploration of the disaster risk management potential of microinsurance
Overcoming Regulatory and Legal Constraints to Savings Mobilization
The regulatory & legal constraints microfinance providers face offering savings services to the poor
Positioning Microfinance Institutions for the Capital Markets
How can microfinance institutions attract private capital investment?
Safe and Accessible: Bringing Poor Savers into the Formal Financial System
Examining the obstacles, opportunities and strategies for improving savings mobilization
Competition and Microcredit Interest Rates
How does competition affect interest rates for microfinance borrowers?