All Publications

Showing 6251 - 6260 of 9057

Microfinance Role in Post Conflict and Crisis Situations

Microcredit and group formation in conflict-affected areas for financial and social empowerment
Case Study

Opening Markets through Strategic Partnerships: An Analysis of the Alliance between FIE and Pro Mujer

Are strategic partnerships sustainable in microfinance?
Guide / Toolkit

Opening Opportunities, Building Ownership: Fulfilling the Promise of Microenterprise in the United States

Exploring the ways in which networking can be supported by micro-enterprise assistance programs

Recommendations on Donor Guidelines To Support Microfinance Associations

What kind of microfinance associations should donors assist?

Serving Depositors: Optimising Branch Based Banking

How can branch based efficiency add to a stronger market share?

Surviving Disasters and Supporting Recovery: A Guidebook for Microfinance Institutions

How can microfinance institutions prepare themselves and their clients for natural disasters?

Sustainability of Microfinance Self Help Groups in India: Would Federating Help?

Can federations help to create financially sustainable SHG banking?

Sustaining Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Asia

How can MFIs be effective in post-tsunami assistance efforts?