All Publications

Showing 5941 - 5950 of 9057

Breaking the Chains of Poverty through Microfinance

An outline of the various activities of the International Labor Organization

Can MFIs Achieve the Double Bottom Line?

Can MFIs successfully combine outreach with financial sustainability?

Credit Scoring, Banks and Microfinance: Balancing High-Tech with High-Touch

Can the process of "scoring" loans help micro-enterprises generate profit?

Impact Assessment of the 2000-2005 WOCCU Project in Rwanda: A Time Series Survey of Rwandan Credit Union Members

Examining the impact of technical assistance on credit unions
Guide / Toolkit

In-Depth Interview Guides Tanzania Country Study Qualitative Component

Guidelines and questionnaires for in-depth interviews
Case Study

Karuna Trust, Karnataka - India

Karuna Trust: An example of pairing insurance with existing public structures
Guide / Toolkit

Legal & Regulatory Reform for Access to Finance: A Policy & Programming Tool

Determining a country's readiness for legal and regulatory reforms in the financial services market
Case Study

Life Has Educated Me: Building Interpersonal Networks through the Jadibanagar Slum Upgrading Project

Sharing experiences and insights on capacity building to overcome poverty

Measuring the Impact of Microfinance: Taking Stock of What We Know

Interpreting the results of microfinance impact studies