All Publications

Showing 5741 - 5750 of 9053

Lessons Learned in Improving Replicability of Successful Microcredit Programs - How Can the Best Models 'Travel' Better

What are the factors affecting the replication of group-based microcredit across regions?

Letter to Practitioners by Alex Counts, Susy Cheston, Joanne Carter & Kate McKee About the Progress and Outlook for the Implementation of Poverty Tools

Note on U.S. legislation on the Microenterprise Results and Accountability Act of 2004

Listening to Clients: How to Better Serve Your Customers

How can MFIs use market research tools to better understand their clients?

Making Insurance Work for the Poor: Current Practices and Lessons Learnt (Microinsurance Conference 2005)

Findings from '2005 Microinsurance Conference - Making Insurance Work for the Poor'

Making Money Work for the Poor in India: Inclusive Finance through Bank-Moneylender Linkages

Why banks' and MFIs' cannot replace moneylenders, and for a more comprehensive financial system

Malawi: Directive on Large Exposures

RBM's directive to govern "large exposure" by licensed Malawian financial institutions

Malawi: Directive on New Directors, Audit Committee Members and Senior Management Officials

Legal requirements of directors, managers of licensed banks & financial institutions in Malawi

Malawi: Directive on Transactions with Related Persons

Guidelines for conducting transactions between licensed institutions, its insiders & related persons

Malawi: Guidelines for Prospective Applicants for a Bank or FI License, RBM

What are the legal requirements for banks and financial institutions applying for license in Malawi?