All Publications

Showing 5271 - 5280 of 9051

Building Viable Microfinance Institutions: Lessons From Other Developing Countries

Identifying factors essential for MFI viability

Building Win-Win Investor Investee Relationships

Different perspectives of a "win-win relationship"

Capacity Building for Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction

Maintaining effectiveness of MFIs in times of disaster

CGAP Study on Self-Help Groups in India

Brief on CGAP's two-part study examining the financial viability of SHGs
Guide / Toolkit

CIDA's Microfinance Guidelines: Supporting the Development of Inclusive Financial Systems

Guidelines to improve effectiveness of microfinance programming

Client Satisfaction with Health Insurance in Uganda

Highlighting the client perspective on microinsurance
Case Study

Client-Focused MFI Technologies Case Study

Analyzing the impact of client-focused technologies in microfinance

Cooperatives - The Flawed Gem of Indian Rural Finance

The deterioration of rural the Cooperative Credit Structure (CCS) in the Indian rural finance system

Cost of Ownership in Microfinance Organizations

Is there a need to transform nonprofit organizations into shareholder firms?

Credit and Microfinance Needs in Inland Capture Fisheries Development and Conservation in Asia

General principles for providing microfinance to the fisheries sector