All Publications

Showing 5171 - 5180 of 9051

Leveraging Philanthropy: Monetary Waqf for Microfinance

Paper presented at a symposium "Towards an Islamic Micro-Finance"
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance and Business Development Services in Europe: A Guide on Good Practices

How can knowledge of good practices help the delivery of business development services in Europe?

Microfinance in Germany and Europe: Market Overview and Best Practice Examples

Insights from successful microfinance initiatives in Europe

Microfinance White Paper

Designing new products to serve the microfinance market

Microinsurance in the Philippines: Policy and Regulatory Issues and Challenges

This study assesses the state of microinsurance in the country

Mobile Phones Delivering Microloans

Examines the use of mobile technology for microlending in a scalable and cost effective manner

Policy and Regulatory Framework for Remittance - Fiji

Assesses remittances regulatory framework in Fiji and suggests mechanisms to make it more efficient