All Publications

Showing 4971 - 4980 of 9051

Low Income Shelter Finance in Slum Upgrading: India Urban Initiatives

Models of financing slum upgrading in India
Guide / Toolkit

Marketing for Microfinance

Developing, implementing, and monitoring a marketing strategy

Microfinance and Capital Markets: The Initial Listing/Public Offering of Four Leading Instiutions

Examining MFIs initial public offerings from different perspectives

Microfinance: An Emerging Investment Opportunity

A closer look at the role that investors might play in the development of microfinance sector

Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Insurance Payouts in Southern India

Rainfall insurance payouts and their implications on households, financial institutions, and pricing

Tanzania Country Scan Microfinance

Formulating strategy for microfinance sector development

Targeting Efficiency: How Well Can We Identify the Poor?

Comparing the targeting methods of assistance programs in India

Value Chain Governance and Access to Finance: Maize, Sugar Cane, and Sunflower Oil in Uganda

Examining availability of finance within directed, balanced, and market governance structures
Case Study

WWB Calí: Banco de Bogotá Loan Guarantee

How did loan guarantees from USAID help WWB, Cali?