All Publications

Showing 331 - 340 of 9059
Slide Deck

Banking-as-a-Service: How it Can Catalyze Financial Inclusion

This reading deck provides an analysis of the Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) model, a new business model that enables non-banks to offer banking services under their own brand and seamlessly embedded into their digital offering with four case studies of BaaS providers from Europe, US and Mexico.

Slide Deck

Choice of Channel: Understanding How Low- and Moderate-Income Women in Kenya Choose Channels for Financial Transactions

This slide deck shares insights from a choice of channel study to understand how women in the low- and moderate-income segment in Kenya select a financial channel.


Consumer Advisory Panels

This paper synthesizes desk research and in-depth discussions with consumer advisory panel representatives around the world.


Developing Rural Agent Networks to Advance Digital Financial Inclusion

This Technical Note is targeted at development funders (donors and DFIs) and provides high level guidance based on CGAP’s prior research on Cash-in / Cash-out (CICO) agent networks.


Inclusive Instant Payment Systems: An Evidence Based Approach From Design to Impact

This white paper summarizes how interoperable payment systems work and discusses the status of interoperability in emerging markets.

Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (Tyme Group)

This is one of several case studies looking at the role of design in digital financial services (DFS) for women focusing on examples where research findings have translated into design that has eased and encouraged women’s use of DFS.


Insurance for MSMEs in Mexico: Five Strategies From the Region

This brief identifies strategies to overcome barriers to insurance for micro, small and medium enterprises, based on the experiences of seven companies in Latin America.


Leveraging Digital Financial Services to Advance Inclusive Green Finance Policies

This report shows how digital payment platforms, digital financial products, and enabling policies can make a difference in helping the most vulnerable populations adapt to and mitigate climate risk and environmental degradation.


The Impact of Digital Technology and Business Regulations on Financial Inclusion and Socio-Economic Development in Low-Income Countries

This study casts a new angle of linking digital technology and business regulations as drivers of financial inclusion and socioeconomic development.


The SME Access to Digital Finance Study: A Deep Dive into the Latin American Fintech Ecosystem

This publication provides insights into micro, small and medium enterprises’ access to funding through the alternative finance industry in Latin America based on 540 survey responses from MSMEs in the region.