All Publications

Showing 3061 - 3070 of 9043

The 2012 Microfinance Client Mapping: The State of Market Saturation and Inclusion in the Philippines

Analyzing the outreach of microfinance services in Philippines

The Case for Interoperability: Assessing the Value that the Interconnection of Mobile Money Services Would Create for Customers and Operators

Is there a case for interoperability of mobile money services?

The Cooperative Model in Microfinance: More Current and Pertinent Than Ever

Highlighting the contribution of cooperatives to economic development

The Malaysian Microfinance System and a Comparison with the Grameen Bank (Bangladesh) and Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR-Indonesia)

How do Malaysian MFIs differ from successful MFIs in other countries?

The Microcredit Sector in Morocco Pre and Post Crisis

Highlighting lessons learned from the microcredit crisis in Morocco
Case Study

U.S. Microfinance: Small Loans, Big Results

Measuring the impact of microloan programs of Opportunity Fund and Accion

What Do Youth Savers Want? Results from Market Research in Four Countries

Learning about what youth want in savings accounts

"A Friend Indeed": Evaluation of an Insurance Education Radio Campaign in Kenya

Examining the effectiveness of mass media in insurance consumer education