All Publications

Showing 1831 - 1840 of 9041
Case Study

Paying School Fees with Mobile Money in Côte d’Ivoire

A public-private partnership to achieve greater efficiency

Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion: Consultative Report

A framework for enabling access and usage of payment services by the financially excluded

Promoting Insurance in Ghana

Project overviews providing information about insurance industry challenges and lessons learned

She for Shield: Insure Women to Better Protect All

Analysis of the women's insurance market globally and within 10 emerging markets

The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases

Lessons on financial education from a field experiment in India

The Power of Parity: How Advancing Women’s Equality Can Add $12 Trillion to Global Growth

Analysis of 15 indicators on global gender equality and their relation to global GDP

The Use of Remittances and Financial Inclusion

Leveraging the economic impact of remittances for sustainable development and financial inclusion
Guide / Toolkit

Tools for WASH Microfinance

Five toolkits for developing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) microfinance products