All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 171

Financial Inclusion, Regulation, and Education in Sri Lanka

Discussing different approaches to improve financial inclusion in Sri Lanka

From Insights to Action: Building Client Trust and Confidence in Branchless Banking

Incorporating user perspectives on branchless banking
Guide / Toolkit

Oral Information Management Tools: Lighting the Path to Financial Inclusion

Designing products to increase access to financial services among illiterate people

The Essential Ingredients of an Effective Financial Education Programme

Designing an effective financial education program
Guide / Toolkit

Best Practices Guide for Microfinance Institutions Active in Remittances

Providing guidelines to MFIs on remittance products

Financial Education and Access to Savings Accounts: Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from Ugandan Youth Clubs

Assessing the relationship between financial education and access to savings accounts

Breaking the Ice: The Role of Insurance Associations in Insurance Consumer Education

Evaluating insurance associations to recommend ways to provide better insurance consumer education
Case Study

Microfinance & E-payments in Zambia: The Role of Consumer Education in Promoting Adoption

Field insights on the impact of financial education in branchless banking

Stimulating Microenterprise Growth: Results from a Loans, Grants and Training Experiment in Uganda

Examining the effects of financial support interventions on micro and small enterprises