All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 171

Targeting the Unbanked: Financial Literacy's Magic Bullet?

Promoting financial literacy through legislations

Teaching Entrepreneurship: Impact of Business Training on Microfinance Clients and Institutions

Entrepreneurship training: Impact on economic outcomes for the poor
Case Study

Financially Viable Training for Microentrepreneurs: The Business Model of ACCION's ABC of Business

ACCION International's training program for microentrepreneurs imparting management skills

Using ICT in Capacity Building for Poverty Reduction in Asia: Lessons Learned from the Microfinance Training of Trainers Course

Is distance learning appropriate for capacity building in pro-poor development strategies?

The Impact of Microenterprise Development Training on Low-Income Clients

How do clients benefit from microenterprise development training?

Building Strong Networks: An Institutional Strengthening Guide for Microfinance Networks

A technical guide for strengthening regional and country-level microfinance networks.

Catalysing Capacity Development: Assessing the Need for Training

Is there a need for systematic approach to capacity building in the Indian microfinance sector?

Influencing Girls' Lives: Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Livelihoods Skill Building Intervention in Gujarat

Evaluating effectiveness of a livelihood skills building program

Market Research for Financial Education (Working Paper #2)

How does market research help in defining the goals of financial education?

Teaching Entrepreneurship: Experiments to Improve Microfinance (BASIS Brief #47)

Can MFIs expand financial services access by offering microfinance clients entrepreneurial training?