All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 220
Case Study

Social Performance Report 2011: Meeting Clients' Needs

Presenting Oikocredit’'s work in social performance

Trends in Cross-Border Funding

Surveying global trends in microfinance funding

Implementing Client Protection in Microfinance: The State of the Practice, 2011

Understanding the state of client protection in microfinance industry

Driving Investment Decisions With Social Performance Information

How do fund managers use social performance data?

Fonkoze 2010 Social Performance Report

Keeping clients on the staircase out of poverty

Responsible Finance: Putting Principles to Work

Exploring the state of knowledge and practice in responsible finance

A Survey of 405 MFIs Reporting to MIX in 2009-2010

Examining the progress of MFIs on social performance management

From Social Rating to Seal of Excellence: Utility or Futility?

Examining the utility of social rating in microfinance

What's Wrong and Right with Microfinance – Missing an Angle on Responsible Finance?

How can microfinance recover from its tarnished image?