All Publications

Showing 271 - 280 of 374

Market Research for MicroFinance: 7 Cautions and a Recommendation

Assessing client needs using market research tools

Micro-Credit, Risk Coping and the Incidence of Rural-to-Urban Migration

The effect of migration and microfinance on the economy of a household

Micro-Insurance: A Safety Net in Risky Waters

Demand assessment of microinsurance products in Sri Lanka

Peru Microfinance Investment Environment Profile

Investing in Peru

Process Mapping in Practice

A look at the advantages of process mapping

Using Microinsurance and Financial Education to Protect and Accumulate Assets

Low-income people coping with the lose of assets and the possibility of microinsurance as a solution
Case Study

Weather-based Insurance in Southern Africa: The Case of Malawi

Weather risk management techniques on food security in Malawi as a framework for Southern Africa

Addressing Foreign Currency Risk for the Microfinance Industry

Can foreign exchange risk be hedged completely?

Benefits and Pitfalls of Statistical Credit Scoring for Microfinance

What is statistical credit scoring and how effective is it?