All Publications

Showing 161 - 170 of 560

Business Case for Microinsurance Part II: Follow-up Study on the Profitability of Microinsurance

Assessing profitability of microinsurance through factors that contribute to success of businesses

Balancing Client Value and Business Case in Kenyan Health Microinsurance

Identifying crucial components of the client value and business case in health microinsurance

Regulatory Approaches to Inclusive Insurance Market Development

Evaluating regulatory approaches implemented by insurance regulators

Sector Based Approach: Promoting Insurance for Low-Income People in Zambia

Accelerating the development of a viable microinsurance market in Zambia

The Business Case for Microinsurance Intermediaries: Part II

Evaluating the financial sustainability of microinsurance intermediaries
Guide / Toolkit

A Practical Guide to Impact Assessments in Microinsurance

Evaluating the efficiency of microinsurance products as a risk management tool for low-income people

Access to Finance: Developing the Microinsurance Market in Mongolia

Analyzing Mongolia?s microinsurance market and suggesting measures for betterment

FESA Micro-Insurance: Crop Insurance Reaching Every Farmer in Africa

Investigating a new opportunity to develop, test, and implement a drought microinsurance approach
Case Study

Implementing a Participatory Model of Micro Health Insurance among Rural Poor with Evidence from Nepal

Providing guidelines to set up sustainable community-based health insurance schemes